Address by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the reception, dedicated to the May 9- the Remembrance and Honors Day

Assalamu-alaykum, dear compatriots!
Esteemed veterans!
Dear guests!
First of all, I congratulate all of you from the bottom of my heart on the May 9 – the Remembrance and Honors Day, the 72nd anniversary of the great Victory gained in the World War II.
I express my deep respect and esteem, as well as the kind wishes to you – my dear compatriots and in your person – our entire nation.
All of us are well aware that on the initiative of our First President, dear Islam Abdughanievich Karimov the date of May 9 has turned into a good tradition of broadly celebrating in our country as the Remembrance and Honors Day.
In this great holiday all of us, above all, bow low before the sacred memory of thousands of our fellow countrymen, who fell in the battlefields, and pay homage to their bright spirits.
Along with this, we bow low to our esteemed veterans, who showed courage and heroism on the battlefields, labored diligently on the home front and are now safe and sound among us. We are immensely grateful to them for our peaceful and tranquil life, as well as clear and blue skies.
There is no doubt that this horrible war brought the unprecedented disaster and losses to our people as to many other nations.
At the World War II hundreds of our compatriots gained the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and thousands of our fathers and forefathers were decorated with war orders and medals.
Our people selflessly labored on the home front and delivered in huge numbers the military hardware, weapons and ammunitions, medicaments, clothes and food products to the battlefields.
The humaneness and magnanimity of our nation were clearly demonstrated in those very difficult and burdensome years. Our people sheltered nearly 1 million children, women and elderly of various nationalities evacuated from the war-torn western areas of the country, and shared with them their piece of bread.
It won’t be a mistake to say that the round-the-clock diligent labor of the elderly, women and teenagers at the plants moved to Uzbekistan serves as an example of true selflessness and heroism.
Such examples vividly show how the Great victory was costly to us and how hugely our people contributed to rescue the world from the evil of fascism.
Certainly, it would be never enough to bow low and say praises to our people who with honor and commendably went through such merciless and troublesome trials of history.
Our nation will never forget the great services of yours – our dear veterans – during the tough post-war recovery years. Your bravery, steadfastness and heroic labor will forever remain as an example to follow for the current and forthcoming generations.
Dear friends!
These days our people are visiting the Remembrance Squares established in our country in every region and district and lay flowers to the monument of Mourning Mother. They are paying a due respect to the memories of their kin, fathers and forefathers who fell in the war. They are also visiting our esteemed elderly, the veterans of war and labor, who are amongst us in these bright days, and seeking their blessings.
On the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the Great victory, many events, commemoration meetings and gatherings with participants of war are being held in our capital city, every towns and villages.
Along with this, all of us well understand that we are always indebted to such esteemed people as you are, who brought up, nurtured and stood for all of us as a buttress in the lifelong paths. Therefore, henceforth it will be constantly in the focus of our attention to further solidify the care and support of our respected elderly, socially protect them, and in particular, to raise pensions, improve medical and social services, and strengthen the state support for the lone elderly and disabled.
This issue should be the first and foremost task for each and every person irrespective of his post, and especially, in the activity of senior officials. This issue should turn not only into their tasks but also their human duty.
Dear friends, let us never forget that our esteemed fathers and kind mothers are our treasure and wealth. We shall be never in loss both in this world and the hereafter if we constantly honor them and do our best to extend their lives in the brevity of human life.
If I am asked the question: which family lives the happiest life in the world? Without any hesitation, I would respond that the one in which the elderly stand as a pillar and enjoy respect and esteem.
Dear veterans!
Distinguished guests!
I am glad to see you today, cordially congratulate you and in your person the entire people of Uzbekistan on the landmark date – the Remembrance and Honors Day, the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over fascism in the World War II, and express my sincere respect and the kindest wishes to you.
In this day, above all, we pay a due respect to the memory of those, who didn’t return from the war, and will always remember their glorious names, be proud of their truly great feat in the name of peace on Earth.
Today we are addressing the words of enormous gratitude to you, our esteemed veterans, who showed the real courage, bravery and heroism on the battlefields of the past war and those, who accelerated the victory on the home front with their selfless and diligent labor.
We bow low to you on behalf of our entire nation for today’s peaceful and tranquil life, clear and blue sky over the Motherland, careless childhood of our children and grandchildren.
Each and every family in Uzbekistan remembers what a dear cost was paid for the victory over fascism and what a big contribution was made to it by our nation. The hundreds people from Uzbekistan were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and thousands were decorated with war orders and medals.
We proudly recall those who during the years of war worked day and night on the home front denying themselves almost everything and supplied the military hardware and ammunition, war outfit, medicaments and food to the front.
The nobility, generosity and humanism of our people brightly manifested in the way that Uzbekistan accommodated nearly 1 million people evacuated from the battle areas. Above all, they were children, women and elderly who were given a shelter and were shared the last piece of bread with, were warmed with our people’s hearts, kindness and generosity of their souls.
Those severe years of war have once again confirmed how enormous are the spiritual strength of our people, their courage and perseverance in overcoming the harshest trials. Today we must bring up the younger generation of the country based on these very examples of display of best human qualities peculiar to our people in the spirit of respect to national and universal human values.
Dear veterans!
As you are well aware, on the initiative of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Abdughanievich Karimov it became a good tradition in our country to mark the May 9 as the Remembrance and Honors Day.
The events dedicated to this remarkable date are being held these days not only in the capital city, but in all regions and districts. The people pay homage to those compatriots, who died in the World War II, lay flowers to the monuments on the Remembrance Squares. All of us render profound respect and attention to the veterans of war and labor living nearby and people of the elder generation, who ensured today’s well-being and prosperity of Homeland.
Along with this, our dear veterans, all of us irrespective of the past years or decades will always feel ourselves indebted to you. Therefore, we are doing our best to surround you with more care and make your life more meaningful.
Among such measures taken by us are, in particular, to raise pensions, improve social benefits, medical care, quality of life of our veterans and the people of elder generation as a whole. The assistance extended by the state to the lone elderly, disabled persons and all in need of special care was strengthened.
I want to assure you that in the future this crucial issue will remain in the focus of attention of our state and society. It is not only our official duty, but a supreme human obligation, as well.
Once again from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on today’s holiday. I wish all of you a sound health, long life and family prosperity.
Dear participants of the meeting!
During this sacred holiday our entire nation sincerely wishes that such a disastrous war never returns. Our people are grateful for today’s peaceful, tranquil and prosperous life.
In modern complex and threatening time, when various confrontations are escalating and the danger of terrorism and extremism is aggravating in the world, the value and significance of priceless blessing named peace are ever increasing.
We must always live vigilantly and keep alert deeply realizing the essence of the appeal “The Uzbek people need peace and tranquility” and never forget that each and every one of us bears responsibility for peace.
I believe you well understand that all laws and resolutions, plans and programs adopted by us – whether they are in the sphere of renewal and modernization of the country, deepening of economic reforms, improvement of the system of state power and governance, law enforcement, healthcare, education or increasing the combat capabilities of our Armed Forces – all of them are aimed at such noble goals.
In this remarkable day, on behalf of our nation and myself,
I express a sincere gratitude to our brave and courageous soldiers, officers and generals who commendably continue the glorious traditions of our ancestors, selflessly and diligently serve along the path of defending the Motherland.
Taking this opportunity, I express my profound respect and esteem to the members of the diplomatic corps and all our foreign guests who have joined us today. I wish peace, tranquility and prosperity to their countries and nations.
Dear and esteemed compatriots!
I once again congratulate all of you on the May 9 – the Remembrance and Honors Day. I wish all of you a sound health, happiness and well-being, plenty and abundance to your homes.
Let our country be peaceful, our skies clear and our nation prosperous!
Thank you for your attention.